Funny Stories of Jews Celebrating Christmas

Jewish humour has a tendency to be particularly self indulgent, self
deprecatory, anecdotal and very funny.

Will and Guy have decided to include these examples to balance our
other funny pages, which laugh at individual groups: Sardar,
Irish, Scottish, Welsh, as well as English and American.  We remind our
readers of our pledge not to upset any ethnic group, and hope that these
examples will make you laugh.Funny Jewish Jokes

  • Clean Funny Jewish Jokes
  • Witty Jewish Short Jokes
  • Will and
    Guy's Five Favourite Jewish Funnies
  • A Jewish Christmas Smile
  • Jewish Wedding Jokes

Jewish Humour:

Will and Guy's Top Twenty Selection of Clean Funny Jewish Jokes

  1. A car hit an elderly Jewish man. The paramedic says, 'Are you
    The man says, 'I make a good living.'
  2. I just got back from a pleasure trip. I took my mother-in-law to the
  3. I've been in love with the same woman for 49 years. If my wife ever
    finds out, she'll kill me!
  4. Someone stole all my credit cards, but I won't be reporting it. The
    thief spends less than my wife did.
  5. We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.
  6. My wife and I went back to the hotel where we spent our wedding
    night, only this time I stayed in the loo and cried.
  7. She was at the beauty shop for two hours. That was only for the
    estimate. She got a mudpack and looked great for two days. Then the mud
    fell off.
  8. The Doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn't pay his
    bill, so the doctor gave him another six months.
  9. The Doctor called Mrs. Cohen saying, 'Mrs. Cohen, your cheque came
    Mrs. Cohen answered, 'So did my arthritis!'
  10. Doctor: You'll live to be 60.
    Patient: I AM 60.
    Doctor: See!
    What did I tell you?
  11. A doctor held a stethoscope up to a man's chest. The man asks, 'Doc,
    how do I stand?'
    The doctor says, 'That's what puzzles me.'
  12. Patient: I have a ringing in my ears.
    Doctor: Don't answer.
  13. A drunk was in front of a judge. The judge says, 'You've been
    brought here for drinking.'
    The drunk says: 'Okay, let's get
  14. Why do Jewish divorces cost so much?  They're worth it.
  15. Why do Jewish men die before their wives?  They want to.
  16. The Harvard School of Medicine did a study of why Jewish women like
    Chinese food so much. The study revealed that this is due to the fact
    that "Won Ton" spelled backward is 'Not Now'.
  17. There is a big controversy on the Jewish view of when life begins.
    In Jewish tradition, the foetus is not considered viable until it
    graduates from medical school.
  18. A Jewish boy comes home from school and tells his mother he has a
    part in the play.
    She asks, 'What part is it?'
    The boy says, 'I
    play the part of the Jewish husband.'
    The mother scowls and says,
    'Go back and tell the teacher you want a speaking part.'
  19. Did you hear about the vagrant who walked up to a Jewish mother on
    the street and said, 'Lady I haven't eaten in three days.'
    replied, 'Force yourself.'
  20. What's the difference between a Rottweiler and a Jewish mother?
    Answer: Eventually, the Rottweiler lets go.

Morris was talking to his friend Sidney.
'Do you
know,' he said, 'some mornings I wake up grouchy... and some mornings I
just let her sleep.'

Funny Jewish Thoughts On Marriage

Menachem, a Jewish businessman, warned his son, Moshe, against marrying a

Moshe replied, 'But she's converting to Judaism.'
'It doesn't matter,' the old man said. 'A *shiksa will cause problems.'

Moshe persisted.  After the wedding, Menachem called the son, who was in business with him,
and asked him why he was not at work. 'It's *Shabbos,' Moshe replied.

Menachem was surprised, 'But we always work on Saturday. It's our busiest
'I won't work anymore on Saturday,' Moshe insisted, 'because my wife
wants us to go to *shul on Shabbos.'

'See,' Menachem retorted, 'I told you marrying a non-Jew would cause

*Shiksa - a pejorative term, used mainly in North America, to describe a
non-Jewish woman
*Shul - synagogue
*Shabbos - Jewish day of

Witty Jewish Short Jokes

  • How do Jewish wives get their children ready for supper? They put
    them in the car.
  • Did you hear about the thieves that broke into the synagogue
    offices? They got away with over 2 thousand dollars in pledges.
  • Seen in the University of Texas student newspaper: Sweet, little old
    Jewish lady wishes to correspond with UT undergraduate.  Prefers six-foot
    male with brown eyes answering to initials: J.D.B.
    Signed, His Mother.
  • Jewish Telegram: Begin worrying. Details to follow.
  • The President of the congregation went to visit the Rabbi in the
    hospital, who had just suffered a mild heart-attack.
    He says, 'Rabbi, the board just voted 12 to 8 to wish you a speedy
  • Why do Jewish Mothers make great parole officers? They never let
    anyone finish a sentence.

4 International Businessmen

A Catholic, a Protestant, a Muslim and a Jew were discussing business
during a dinner.

Catholic: "I have a large fortune... I am going to buy CITIBANK!"
Protestant: "I am very wealthy and will buy GENERAL MOTORS!"
Muslim: "I
am a fabulously rich prince... I intend to purchase SABIC*!"

They then all wait for the Jew to speak...
The Jew stirs his coffee,
places the spoon neatly on the table, takes a sip of his coffee, looks at
them and casually says: "I'M NOT SELLING!"

SABIC* (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) is the only Muslim company in
the Forbes 500 rich list.

Will and Guy's
Five Favourite Jewish Funnies

  1. The remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served
    us nothing but leftovers.  The original meal has never been found. -
    Calvin Trillin
  2. God, I know we are your chosen people, but couldn't you choose
    somebody else for a change? - Shalom Aleichem
  3. I have enough money to last me the rest of my life unless I buy
    something. - Jackie Mason
  4. A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours. - Milton
  5. When I bore people at a party, they think it is their fault.- Henry

A Jewish Christmas Smile

Admiring the Christmas trees displayed in his neighbour's windows, Peter
asks his father, 'Daddy, can we have a *Hanukkah Tree?'

'What? No, of course not,' says his father.

'Why not?' asks Peter again.

Bewildered, his father replies, 'Because the last time we had dealings
with a lighted bush we spent 40 years in the wilderness.'

* A Hanukkah bush is a bush or, real or simulated, that some American
and Canadian Jewish families display in their homes for the duration of
Hanukkah.  It may, for all intents and purposes, be a Christmas tree [without
any Christian ornaments].

A Jewish Prayer for the New Year

Dear Lord

May we get a clean bill of health from our dentist, our
our ophthalmologist, our cardiologist, our gastroenterologist,
urologist, our proctologist, our gynaecologist, our podiatrist, our
plumber and the IRS.

May our hair, our teeth, our facelift, our abs, our honey cakes, and our
stocks not fall and may our blood pressure, our triglycerides, our
cholesterol, our white blood count, our weight and our mortgage interest
rates not rise.

May we find a way to travel from anywhere to anywhere in the rush hour
in less than an hour and when we get there, may we find a parking space.

May we all relax about the third millennium of the common era, and
realize that we still have 239 years until the down of the sixth millennium
of the Hebrew calendar by which time the computer will be long since
and so will we.

May God give us the strength to get through this presidential campaign
and may some of the promises made be kept. May we believe at least half
of what the candidates propose and may those elected fulfil at least half of
what they promise and may the miracle of reducing taxes and balancing

May we be awestruck by God's sense of humour as we realize that a
professional wrestler could have become president of the United States and
that an Orthodox Jew has risen to prominence in American politics while
remaining true to his Jewish roots. It is my belief that God's joyous humour
is the reason he really does not want us to touch our toes while exercising
or he would have put them further up our bodies; and, the reason so many of
us take up jogging is to hear heavy breathing again.

May what we see in the mirror delight us and what others see in us,
delight them. May someone, as well as God, love us enough to forgive our
faults, be blind to our blemishes and tell the world about our virtues.

May the telemarketers wait until after we finish dinner to call us. May
our cheque books and budgets balance and may they include generous amounts
for charity.

May we remember to say "I love you" at least once a day to our spouse,
our child, our parent, all of our significant others but not our boss, our
intern, our nurse, our masseur, our hairdresser or our tennis instructor.

And may the Messiah come this year, and if he does not, may we live as
if he has, in a world at peace, with awareness of God's love in every
flower, baby's smile, lover's kiss, and every wonderful
astonishing beat of
our heart. May we smile and laugh throughout the

Important Jewish Festivals

Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah is the Hebrew for "beginning of the year", it marks the first
day of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe").

Yom Kippur Day of
Yom Kippur is Jewish religious festival that starts at
sunset on the evening of the 10th day of their civil new year (Tishrei 10).

Hanakkah Festival of Lights
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday celebrated for eight days and nights. It starts
on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev, which coincides with late
November - late December on the secular calendar.

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Ramadan Humour   •
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Rosh Hashanah   •
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