Pantsed Funny or Die June Diane
FollowingDoes This Remind You Of Anything / Web Original
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- Daisy Brown. Daisy's relationship with Alan is highly evocative of Domestic Abuse. He physically attacks her under seemingly little provocation, puts her in situations like locking herself in a room and regularly being chased outside, and destroys things beloved by Daisy like her garden and an innocent animal out of apparent spite. Daisy, in turn, tries to defend him even when it's clear Alan is being hurtful. The parallels become even more obvious once Alan is able to talk, as he uses his newfound ability to verbally insult Daisy over her personal issues. Perhaps not coincidentally, it's implied her father had abusive episodes as well.
- A Funny or Die video called "Pantsed"
was about a young woman (co-writer June Diane Raphael) who, whenever she began to make out with a partner, would suddenly get pantsed. This is played out as a metaphor for constantly getting into abusive relationships. After her second pantsing in a row, June decides she's finished with men, and we see her in a car with a girl, wearing matching baseball caps and white t-shirts and singing an Ani DiFranco song, whereupon the girl asks her if her jeans are button-fly; told they are, the girl says "Good to know" and June looks worriedly out the window. The metaphor is lampshaded by June's friend:
Casey: I guess getting pantsed is your destiny.
June: [staring at herself in the mirror] Yeah, Case, maybe you're right. [montage of June standing with man without her pants on; sitting on floor, pants-less, tearful; stumbling out of hallway with her pants around her ankles] Why am I fighting it? I get pantsed. It's who I am.
- Eventually, she meets a nice guy who says he wants to take their relationship to the next level, but he's then horrified when she spontaneously pulls down her own pants.
Man: Fuck's wrong with you? [hastily putting on his shoes] Jesus Christ, June, I liked you.
June: I thought you would like this.
Man: Fuckin' skank. [heads for the door]
June: "Skank", what are you saying? [shuffles after him, her pants around her ankles] What did you mean by "next level"?
Man: [leaving] Jesus Christ, not this! [slams door]
June: Stop! I'll pull them back up! I'LL PULL THEM BACK UP!
- Eventually, she meets a nice guy who says he wants to take their relationship to the next level, but he's then horrified when she spontaneously pulls down her own pants.
- Gameboys: As early as Episode 2, when Gavreel calls Cairo while working out. Gavreel's doing pushups. Cairo is just lying in bed counting his reps. If the initial shot composition with Gav's screen on top and Cai's screen at the bottom didn't clue it in...
Cairo: ... Four... Five... SexSIX. Six...
- During the 2020 Presidential Election, gaming-based News Parody site Hard Drive posted the article "Gamer Sick of Two-Console System,"
about a gamer who finds it pointless to choose between Sony and Microsoft ("At the end of the game, they're both just angry old men who want to kill stuff") but can't go Take a Third Option with Nintendo because all the games are made for the main two systems so it's basically "throwing your gaming away." It also features an "independent gamer" who insists upon playing Nintendo and the obscure console Raspberry Pi to make true change in the gaming industry.
- Hard Drive later published an article
in which gaming website IGN apologizes for posting a Mario Golf trailer with the like, "Can't wait to hit the links as Mario next month!" and insists that they also support Bowser. This is a satire of IGN removing an article about Palestine as to not "take sides" in the Arab–Israeli Conflict.
- Hard Drive later published an article
- In LPS: Popular, Brooke, a pale blonde cat with blue eyes calls Savannah, a naturally brown dachshund, a wiener dog. Everyone treats this as a horrible slur and Genevieve, one of Savannah's best friends, only allows herself to say it in a whisper.
- The MinutePhysics video The Hairy Ball Theorem, which is about the topological theorem of that name which states that you can't comb a ball totally flat if it's covered entirely with hair. The narrator then goes on to say things like "don't go wasting your time playing around with a hairy ball to try to prove this wrong". At the end, the narrator says that, since the theorem applies not only to balls but any 3-dimensional objects without any holes, the next time a mathematician gives you trouble, you should ask them if they can comb a hairy banana.
- Petscop: In Evencare, there are signs about bringing pets home. Two of them say "When choosing pets, pick somebody that you like. You don't have to love them right away," and "Don't be discouraged if they run from you! They really want a home. They're afraid. Show them there's nothing to be afraid of." There's a pet who's kept in a cage, and is awarded for staying there. Its description is "Amber is a young ball. She's afraid to leave home. If her home is good, this is not a problem. She is very heavy, and that makes her life a little harder, as well as yours. What's the safest place you can put her in? You should start thinking about that." In hindsight, the reactive attachment disorder themes were there from the beginning. And to bring it home, there are three different versions of Care available as pets.
- Titli of Titli's Busy Kitchen has slipped some dirty imagery into a few episodes of the show, usually involving a large carrot and two smaller fruit positioned next to one another.
- The Angry Video Game Nerd talking about the front cover of the game adaptation of Die Hard. At first glance the exploding building looks like the World Trade Center towers. Luckily for anyone's sensibilities, the game came out long before 9/11.
- In Two Best Friends Play, Matt thinks that Disaster: Day of Crisis has 9/11 symbolism thanks to the collapsing buildings. Pat doesn't see it.
- In Jake and Amir, the two title characters' bizarre friendship is often portrayed as a gay relationship. Amir constantly wants to spend time with Jake, becomes jealous when Jake spends time with other people, and, on one occasion, received a marriage certificate (from a drag queen) stating that the two were officially wed. Jake is more aware of the connotations and tries to avoid them, but a few episodes depict him as equally jealous when Amir has a girlfriend; in another arc, he gets temporarily transferred to California, and meets a sexy coworker, only to drive her off by thinking and talking about Amir nonstop. The whole situation is lampshaded in an episode featuring Pat and Sarah: Sarah points out that, to the casual observer, the two seem to be a married gay couple. Of course, this being CollegeHumor, the episode has Jake and Amir by the elevators, fighting in a way that's deliberately designed to look like gay sex.
- In the Moulin Rouge! review between Brentalfloss, The Nostalgia Critic and The Nostalgia Chick, Oancitizen interrupts to demand why he wasn't included in the crossover. But from the Nostalgia Duo's squirming, his irritation and Floss's complete confusion, it looks instead like a person catching their partner cheating.
- In one of Balddumborat's Q&A videos
as Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo, she is asked whether pegasus ponies wake up with "morning wing" (a reference to the "Wingboner" meme). The response: "Oh, gosh, yeah, we do sometimes. I mean, try sleeping on your back or side with a pair of wings. They really cramp up in the morning and feel horribly stiff. It takes a while to shake them out. But at least we don't have magic messes in the morning like unicorns!"
- Noob :
- At some point, Gaea, female and very greedy, is alone with an older, male player whose dialogue suggests he's about to ask her for money. Her reaction to this? Looking very worried and blurting out the line "Don't come any closer, especially if you want what I think you want!".
- A plotline involving a top player who turned up to be getting his avatar illegally enhanced beyond what game mechanics allow. Now, what would be the equivalent of that if the webseries was a sports story rather than about MMORPG players?
- A non-comedic and Squicky example occurs in Survival of the Fittest, with Alex White torturing Rosa Fiametta. His sadistic delight at her suffering while making jabs about her sex life, and the emphasis on her struggling and how he repeatedly stabs her, very quickly starts to look like... something else.
- The Lock Picking Lawyer has a large collection of videos of him picking locks. He has done a few funny videos for April Fools' Day, each of which is a master class on double-entendres. Among them:
- Episode 11 of Z! True Long Island Story had Zack Ryder catching his dad watching clips of John Morrison while vigorously moving his Shake Weight
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- Does This Remind You of Anything?
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